
Lets work together

Over the years the corporate sector has been a significant contributor to charitable causes. If you look behind every successful community event or charitable program you will find a corporate sponsor, whether that is the local butcher donating sausages for the school fundraising BBQ or a listed company funding medical research. Businesses are the financial pillars of our society.


But not every business makes enough to be able to make regular donations or has the time to know where to direct their charitable funds.


Imagine, if every-time your office computers are turned on, the air-conditioning kicks in or the photo-copier is used, you feed, house and educate someone who couldn’t do it without you.


With Positive Energy TM you can start donating today. And of course  … its tax deductible

To discuss these plans call us on 1300 083 083 or email your inquiry to

Talk To Us 1300 083 083


Monday to Friday: 7 am – 9 pm

Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm

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